California lawmakers will be considering an option for vision care on the marketplace. The California Vision Care Council Act is a bill that seeks to make eye care accessible on the California marketplace. This would enable more individuals, families, and employers to have access to vision benefits and options.
How will would this marketplace work? The marketplace would operate through a trust funded by vision care providers so there wouldn’t be mandated contributions from California. The marketplace would have a set number of plans from participating carriers. Qualified individuals and employers could then purchase a vision plan from those participating carriers though a facilitator on the marketplace (such as licensed insurance agents).
How will this impact employee benefits?
- Employers may have an opportunity to offer more robust benefits with vision included on the Affordable Care Act. Thus, they are giving their employees more access to other services.
Covered California currently only offers dental and vision coverage for children. These added benefits would be supplemental plans for adults. Still, the timing is not determined.
Overall, this bill could have a positive impact on the small to medium size business community. Vision care is not always needed or sponsored by employers but this would give people the option to get the coverage they needed. It provides more value to the employee.